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PAULA QUINTAS (Ourense, 1983) is a dancer, circus artist, choreographer, pedagogue and cultural manager. She has a master's degree in performing arts from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and researches the limits and confluences of the corporate arts, within the Doctoral Program in creation and research in contemporary art, at the University of Vigo.


Paula Quintas- Cía is a company with a trajectory of ten years producing shows of diverse formats and disciplines. Hybridizing dance and circus is her trademark. Her work stands out for the dialogue between body and movement, creating a visual and experiential component through contemporary codes.

Artistic director of the 6 coreógrafas Festival of Concello da Estrada (Pontevedra)

Co-director of Abanea Festival of dance and movement.

Vice President of - RedAcieloabierto Network of Contemporary Dance Festivals in unconventional spaces.

Representation in the association of Dance Companies Network Emprendo Danza

Representation of dance and circus in Escena Galega  association (2020-2024)

Co-director of the Corpo (a) Terra Festival (2013-2021).

She works with dance pedagogy at Danza Alfaia, with a line of contemporary research around the body and alternative lines of learning in Santiago de Compostela, as a regular pedagogical project. She is also a specialist in Laban Technique, giving workshops in different conservatories and private centers.

Graduated from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Art History, presenting her final project in BodyArt and video-creation, graduated from the Trinity Laban Conservatory in Contemporary Dance and graduated from the National Center for Circus Arts in London.

She has a Master's Degree in Performing Arts with the research proposal "Philosophy and aesthetics of the body in the choreographed circus" by the Rey Juan Carlos University -URJC (Madrid) 2019-2020, directed by Carlos Roldán. Currently, she is researching a doctoral thesis PHD, at the University of Vigo, within the contemporary art creation and research program with director Carlos Tejo.

Her latest shows as a creator are: Aurora Boreal ( 2025), Multiperspectives (2021- 2024), O salón dos pasos perdidos (2023)  Nina Ninette (2021), SET (2020), Alma (non é hippie) (2019), Plastic (2018), Analepsis (2017), Up2down (2015).

She has been part of the company trasPediante, currently redefined as Determined Company, as a container for projects related to dance and movement arts, in addition to being part of other companies such as Pisando Ovos, Pistacatro, Cia Jui-Wei Hung and Kirenia Danza, Colectivo Globo, Duelirium, Marta Alonso Tejada.

Also she is working as a director, un differents companies as: cias IO, Greta Mari, or  Node from Basque Country

She works in the management and promotion of professional training within the field of dance and circus in the Galician community.

M A N A G E M E N T/ B O O K I N G: 

Amarelo Distribución Escénica ·



0034 610106808

Pistacatro ·


Belem Brandido:

0034 627778351


Since I was a child I discovered movement and with it, I felt that I could express immaterial aspects of observation. From there I began to be interested in different movement disciplines studying classical dance, funk & hip hop, even Spanish dance, bowling and flamenco.

When I was a teenager I discovered contemporary dance and I felt identified with the range of registers and movement it offered, so I understood that art was broader and that the way of expressing it involved many branches of art.

I graduated in Art History at the University of Santiago de Compostela, specializing in contemporary art. I continued dancing, being part of groups, dance schools, workshops, cultures, languages and travels, experimenting from the body as a support, until I arrived in London, at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire, where all those previous experimentations began to be ordered through discovery. of choreological studies and the Labanotation. Everything was movement and with it, the use of the body as an artistic medium.

In London, she continued studying contemporary dance techniques, dance criticism and anatomy to name a few subjects. I also discovered performance and movements derived from it, working on artistic installations with independent groups adding branches such as sound experimentation, video, photography or costumes: video-dance.

At that time I founded my first company, Projecto C-F Dance, where the discourse of actions fluctuated between dance and performance, as a visual practice. And precisely at that moment, through the Laban technique, I discovered that the ground was not the only possible place to put the body in motion, and here began another new stage in my research, which expanded the body in planes, dimensions, and other types. of space, aerospace and circus arts.

I graduated from the National Center of Circus Arts in London specializing in taut wire, where I experienced other disciplines such as flying trapeze, acrobatics, vertical dance, the clown…. And here my profile begins to take off as a circus-dance artist, and to explore the limits and confluences between the disciplines. During that time I began to work with English, Asian and Polish companies.

In 2012 he returned to Spain, where he began to belong to different dance, performance and circus companies, cultural management and pedagogy projects, highlighting trasPediante, Pistacatro, Corpo(a)Terra festival, the Acieloabierto network of festivals, or the school Alpha dance. In 2017 I founded my own company Paula Quintas together with the unconditional support and advice of Galicia Danza Contemporánea, creating Analepsis, Plastic and SET in the first three years, together with a stable work team: Marta Alonso, Manu Lago, Carlota Mosquera, Paulina Funes, Angel Sousa, Arturo Cobas, Marguerita Morello, Fotografica Oviedo....

After completing a Master's degree at the URJC in Madrid, I am currently researching a doctoral thesis at the University of Vigo, in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra in the Contemporary Art Creation and Research Program, directed by Doctor Carlos Tejo: Body, object , time and space as supports for the performing arts: limits and confluences between contemporary dance and circus in 21st century Spain, is the title of the investigation between my past-present and future.



.2021-2025, PHD directed by Doctor Carlos Tejo: Body, object, time and space as supports for the performing arts: limits and confluences between dance and contemporary circus in 21st century Spain, Facultade Belas Artes Pontevedra -  University of Vigo,

.2020, Master in Performing Arts, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid

.2012, Certified in Circus Arts, specialty tightwire. The Circus Space -National Centre Arts for Circus  (London, Central School of Speech and Drama).

.2010, Graduated in Trinity Laban, Contemporary dance, Conservatorie of Music and Dance, London.

.2008, Certified RAD Intermediate-Royal Academy of Dance School.

.2007, Bachelor of History of Art in University of Santiago de Compostela, specialty of Contemporary art (body art and videocreation).


.Research in motion: Kim Jones, Akram Kham, Henri Oguike, Pere Faura, Paz Rojo, Aitana Cordero,Guillermo Weickert, David Zambrano, Lali Ayguade, Les Slovacks, Nadine Gerspacher, Lucas Condró, Vicky P.Miranda, Peter Jasko, Sharon Fridman, Fabian Thomé, Victoria De Ferrari, Rakesh Sukesh, Francisco de Córdoba, Rootlessroot, La Intrusa, Los Innato, Stephanie Dondi, Lucia Marote, Carmen Fumero, Martin Kilvady....

.Tightwire technique:  Les Colpourteurs (Francia) ,Stephanie Bouchard (Canadá).

.Physical theater: Mick Barnfather and Katharine Markee, Peta Lilly, Florent Bergal

Dramaturgy: Vivian Friedrich, Pau Portabella, Escarlata Circus




·Performing Arts

2024  choreographer at project Vesperi Lux Miguel Gendre and Juanma Lodo

2023-2024  Choreographer at project "Me arrepiento", Node company.

2023-2024 Direction at  project, "Collige, Virgo, Rosas", company SÖa

.2022-2023 Performer and choreographer O Salón dos Pasos Perdidos, Co- prodution with Centro Coreográfico Galego in collaboration with Colectivo Glovo and Fran Martinez

.2022-2023 Direction The Great Greta of Greta Marí

.2022-2023 Performer and Choreography, Multiperspectivas#2 of Paula Quintas- Cía. Granted by  Xunta de Galicia. Direction Rut Balbís, Anton Coucheiro and Arturo Cobas.

.2022 Performer in Tabú of Colectivo Glovo.

.2022, Co-creation and performer, Estancia Paisaje, with  Colectivo Glovo and Fran Martínez to Danza en el Camino.

.2022, Performer and choreographer, Paxaros no Cabo of Pistacatro.

.2022, Co-direction and co-creation: Cantas patas para un banco of Cia IO.

.2022, Performer: Sastrería Elástica, of Colectivo Glovo to Adolfo Domínguez. 

.2021-22, Performer, direction and creation: Multiperspectivas of Paula Quintas.

.2021, Performer: Icono Otero of Kirenia Danza. Direction Kirenia Martínez.

.2021, Performer and co-creation: Clásicas Desfeitas Vol.3 of Manu Lago in coproduction with Cidade da Cultura and Centro Dramático Galego. Direction: Rut Balbís, Gena Baamonde and Manu Lago.

.2021, Performer, codirection and cocreation: Escenas coreográficas with Municipal Music Band of Santiago de Compostela and Danza Alfaia.

.2021, Direction and choreography assistant: Vértigo of Pistacatro.

.2021, Producer, performer and choreographer: Nina Ninette of Determinada Co. Direction María Torres.

.2020, Performer and co-creation: SET of Paula Quintas. Direction Rut Balbís.

.2020, Performer: Directo 9 of Pisando Ovos. Direction Rut Balbís.

.2019, Performer and co-creation: Alma (non é hippie) of Colectivo Verticalia. Direction Rolando San Martín.

.2019, Performer: Mezzo of Pistacatro. Direction Antón Coucheiro.

.2019, Performer and co-creation: Tránsito 1 of Determinada Co. Direction Marta Alonso Tejada and Paula Quintas.

.2018, Movement assistant: Welcome of Duelirium. Direction Uxía Vaello

.2018, Performer and co-creation: Plastic of Paula Quintas. Direction Rut Balbís.

.2017, Performer: Untitled Wires of Paula Quintas.

.2017, Movement assistant: Contigüo of Cía IO. Direction Natalia Outeiro “Pajarito”

.2017,Performer, direction and co-creation: Analepsis of Paula Quintas.

.2016, Performer, co-direction and co-creation: Coco-ho of Traspediante. Direction Marta Alonso Tejada and Paula Quintas.

.2015, Performer and co-creation: Up2down of Determinada Co.

.2015, Performer and co-creation: Diálogos de Intento of Projecto C-F Dance. Direction Arturo Cobas and Paula Quintas.

.2014, Performer and choreographer: Microimpactos of Voltage Opposites Project.

.2014-2016, Performer: Baleadas of Traspediante.

.2014-2016, Performer: Body of wires of Dizzy O' Dare.

.2013, Performer and choreographer: La misma piel 3.1 of Voltage Opposites Project.

.2013, Weronika Cegielska Cia, Stop staring it’s not polite, Stockolm Fridge Festival.

.2012, Performer, choreographer and director: Breakfast Accumulation of C-F Dance.

.2012, Jui-Wei Hung, contemporary dance company, Londres.

.2012, Marie Brenneis company, performance art and body installation, Londres.

.2010-2011, Performer, choreographer and director: 10 gr por cada 180 ml de agua, of ProJecto C-F Dance.




.2023 Performer in Aquarium, direction Margherita Morello, shot dance film  , project granted by  Xunta de Galicia.

.2022, Performer in Danza uno Foco, Video-dance program fot TV Galicia.

.2022, Performer and choreographer, Icono Otero de cia Kirenia Danza.

.2021, Performer: Propulsa Danza + Paisaxe  + Patrimonio. Promotional videodance. Direction Rut Balbís.

.2021, Video Clip, Antonio Luz, Amencer no camiño

.2020, Performer, direction and creation: Límites. Videodance.

.2020, Video Clip o Son do Galpom, Ansiedade.

.2019, Performer: Theading Issues of 16 Thunders.

.2017, Creation project Abrazos, of Cesc Gelabert, to Trayectos Festival. Video dance.

.2016, Video Clip, Nao. O sol e a treboada

.2015, Performer: Y3 of 16 Thunders.





.Co-director of Abanea Festival de danza e  movemento since 2022.

.Director of 6coreógrafas, Concello A Estrada.

.Co.director of Festival Corpo(a)Terra to 2021.

.Co-director of Danza Alfaia Academy.

.Coordinator of Profesional training in movement arts, Compostela.

.Member and vocal dance commission of Escena Galega, Asociación de Compañías de Artes Escénicas de Galicia.

.Member of PAM Movement Arts Plastform of Galicia.

.Member of APCG, Profesional association of circus of Galicia

.Member of Emprendo Danza Dance Professional Association of Madrid  and FECED National Federation of Dance Companies.

.Member of Circonove, Training space and circus school in Santiago de Compostela.



.Be part of the faculty  in Danza Alfaia, Santiago de Compostela, since 2012.

.Be part of the faculty of INAC en Porto (Portugal) since 2016.

.Be part of the faculty of Escola Municipal de Artes Escénicas EMAE in A Estrada (Pontevedra) since 2016.

.She teaches specific Laban Technique workshops in a multitude of spaces and entities such as CCG, Unitaria, Conservatorio de danza de Lugo, Compañía Carlos Ovares Costa Rica, Conservatorio de Alicante, TRC Danza, ...

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